What's in a name? Ask Satyam.

The TOI headline read "Satyam: A Rs 7000 Cr Lie". The Economic Times headline read "Satyam A Big Lie". An NDTV.com graphic said "Satyam's Ugly Truth". The broadcasting media has come up with even sharper, sucker-punch headlines to describe the Satyam fiasco over the last two days. Last night, I heard a Times Now anchor, very irately, referring to Raju as "a straight-faced liar". I get the feeling copy editors all over are having a heyday thanks to the irony in the name - Satyam, meaning truth.

Just think. Had the name been something less poignant, the public flogging of the company might have hurt a wee bit less. I mean, how copy-creative does one get with a name like Wipro or TCS or even Infosys. (I wish to state here that I implicate absolutely nothing by taking these names. They are purely for example purpose. Hope no offence is taken.)

Actually, my heart goes out to Satyam's employees. Dragged into the mire for no fault of theirs save believing in a hugely fraudulent leader. In today times, the organizations we work for make up a large part of our identies. I certainly would have hated it if my identity was on the front page with a "lie" tagged to it.

Tough times, indeed. Hang on, guys. Things will work out.


It's an oxymoronish situation. "Satyam: The Lie" It's amazing how drops of false credits over several months can leave behemoth you work for worth peanuts..or even less. But, somehow, in this case, I'm neither feeling the punch, nor feeling the sadness. It's not really surprising. Just a huge turn-off. I hope someone is jailed in the illiterates wing of Tihar.
Unknown said…
I know Mu, but just in case we are worried that business/clients especially US are gonna get skeptical and paranoid (as usual) - we can lay and ENRON on them. Led by example no?!

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