Top 2 at work

What are the two things you just can’t do without at work? I am assuming most of you, who are reading this, work..for a living. If it’s at a formal workplace, name two things (tools, gadgets, perks, supports, people, whatever) absolutely indispensable to you. Even if you don't troop out every morning to a office and work from bed in your PJs, its still work, right? So just tell me, (post a comment here) what is it that you swear by.

I was in one of those blessed (but rare) moments of complete concentration, working on the messaging in a marketing mailer. I must have been staring at my computer screen. Perhaps, I looked a little frozen, or like I was unraveling my future in a crystal ball. A concerned colleague tut-tutted and asked "What will you do if MS Word is taken away from you?" OK, then, I actually froze. What will I do? I will shrivel and die and rot in ‘Word’less Hell!

Only one other thing ranks on par or even above Word in my list of indispensables at work. Google. I start my day with the incantation "om googleaayah namah". It’s my default browser home page. I don’t remember the last time I didn’t google at least once per day. Glad they made it a verb.

I am curious to know what ranks as your Top Two must-haves at work. Care to comment?


Anonymous said…
Most important at work is the phone and the google search engine and any messenger if its accessible or if i find a proxy which can be bypassed :-D
P26P said…
Hey MM.
For me - it seems that i cannot pass a day without my Microsoft outlook and webmail, and my mobile phone . Third thing is my yahoo email box. And yes these are indispensable. probably i might stop these when i quit work and get into farming.

Gollum said…
Caffeine and white board markers. I have a fetish for markers :)
- Vivek
Anonymous said…
1) My tweezers.
2) My magnifying mirror with touch lights.
Work gets in the way of my life...
Love, St. Elizabeth.
Anonymous said…
- air-conditioning
- inverted empty metal dustbin to keep my legs on.
-Sauron ( I sent you flowers on your b'day, do you keep them on your desk?)
Mumukshu said…
I got a few more comments on this post offline. Looks like caffeine and e-mail win hands down. Office junkies, all of us.

St Elizabeth, you are the only exception to the rule. Keep up the good life

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