A Sea, a pirate and the birth of a lake

How Raktabahu’s evil intent was undone and Chilika was born I love stories with fantastical elements, peppered with larger-than-life characters and dollops of magic realism. On a recent trip to Lake Chilika on the eastern coast of Odisha state, I stumbled upon some quaint legends surrounding the lake, especially its formation. And, like with all stories, I love embellishments. So, here is my ‘decorated’ version. The story goes, there was a roguish pirate king by the name, Raktabahu. Literally, that translates to one who’s arms are drenched with blood. He did have the blood of many on his hands, metaphorically speaking. He had looted , pillaged and killed many in his violent attacks on trading ships sailing the eastern seas. The ships laden with merchandise for foreign shores, with their weather-beaten but honest sadhavas (sailor merchants) would be caught unawares on moonlit nights on the high seas. The moon would be a mute witness to the murders as masked bandits spr...