Too much India in New Jersey
Time Magazine apologized earlier this week to Indian-Americans for publishing an article by Joel Stein that was offensive and derogatory to the community.

I agree, the article IS offensive in parts. Its like Mr Stein started out writing a humor column but somewhere midway he gave in to the strands of subconcious racism that he can't deny have woven themselves into his diatribe against the Indian onslaught in his precious New Jersey hometown. Come on, "dotheads"?!! You cant imagine you'll get away with language like that in a magazine like Time. Celebrities get flak for using politically-incorrect terms all the time. Mel Gibson was in trouble for using the 'N' word recently. Public figures are made to apologize for using the 'F' word. So, I am glad Joel Stein was required to tender an apology for using the 'D' word.
Not that the apology sounds sincere to me. He says "I truly feel stomach-sick that I hurt so many people." What? He didn' realize how much the below sentences would pinch.
"Edison's first Indian generation didn't quickly assimilate (and give their kids Western names). But if you look at the current Facebook photos of students at my old high school, J.P. Stevens, which would be very creepy of you, you'll see that, while the population seems at least half Indian, a lot of them look like the Italian Guidos I grew up with in the 1980s: gold chains, gelled hair, unbuttoned shirts. In fact, they are called Guindians. Their assimilation is so wonderfully American that if the Statue of Liberty could shed a tear, she would. Because of the amount of cologne they wear."
Frankly, he doesnt spare the Italians too.
In his apology, Mr Stein says that he is "someone who believes that immigration has enriched American life and my hometown in particular..." but I really doubt it. He is mighty caustic for a believer. Perhaps, I would have respected him more for his honesty if he had only admitted frankly that he is not particularly excited by the Indian- Americans taking over Edison. At least, that way, there might have been healthy debates on the immigration issue.
I have read comments on this controversy in which people have expressed that perhaps we Indians can't take a joke on ourselves. Maybe, we are being over-sensitive. Its just another columnist spilling his guts about how left-out he feels when he goes back home. Big deal if our food is too spicy or our cousins are not too smart. So what if we love our Bollywood dramas and are generous with our samosas. If Mr Stein has figured out why "India is so damn poor", then perhaps the Planning Commission could consult with him.

I agree, the article IS offensive in parts. Its like Mr Stein started out writing a humor column but somewhere midway he gave in to the strands of subconcious racism that he can't deny have woven themselves into his diatribe against the Indian onslaught in his precious New Jersey hometown. Come on, "dotheads"?!! You cant imagine you'll get away with language like that in a magazine like Time. Celebrities get flak for using politically-incorrect terms all the time. Mel Gibson was in trouble for using the 'N' word recently. Public figures are made to apologize for using the 'F' word. So, I am glad Joel Stein was required to tender an apology for using the 'D' word.
Not that the apology sounds sincere to me. He says "I truly feel stomach-sick that I hurt so many people." What? He didn' realize how much the below sentences would pinch.
"Edison's first Indian generation didn't quickly assimilate (and give their kids Western names). But if you look at the current Facebook photos of students at my old high school, J.P. Stevens, which would be very creepy of you, you'll see that, while the population seems at least half Indian, a lot of them look like the Italian Guidos I grew up with in the 1980s: gold chains, gelled hair, unbuttoned shirts. In fact, they are called Guindians. Their assimilation is so wonderfully American that if the Statue of Liberty could shed a tear, she would. Because of the amount of cologne they wear."
Frankly, he doesnt spare the Italians too.
In his apology, Mr Stein says that he is "someone who believes that immigration has enriched American life and my hometown in particular..." but I really doubt it. He is mighty caustic for a believer. Perhaps, I would have respected him more for his honesty if he had only admitted frankly that he is not particularly excited by the Indian- Americans taking over Edison. At least, that way, there might have been healthy debates on the immigration issue.
I have read comments on this controversy in which people have expressed that perhaps we Indians can't take a joke on ourselves. Maybe, we are being over-sensitive. Its just another columnist spilling his guts about how left-out he feels when he goes back home. Big deal if our food is too spicy or our cousins are not too smart. So what if we love our Bollywood dramas and are generous with our samosas. If Mr Stein has figured out why "India is so damn poor", then perhaps the Planning Commission could consult with him.