Do you really expect Rakhi Sawant to marry one of those guys?

Lunch hour conversation has, of late, been liberally peppered with one 'Rakhi ka Swayamvar'. To check out what everyone has been tittering about and also partly, to offset the accusations that I am being too high-brow or pseudo, I forced myself to watch last Monday's episode. And, ended up reeling with a little nausea.
Whoever is the show’s scriptwriter, he/she is the Queen of Tacky! Half-way through I was so embarrassed by the dialogues that I put the TV on mute. I don’t get it. Doesn’t half this country realize that the whole thing is a sloppily-acted, low-production-budget, story-line-sucks uninspired soap? And in this bad soap, there’s BAD acting by Rakhi.
“Main Jesus mein believe karti hoon. Lekin Manas ka pyaar, Manas ka vishwas.. (sidelong glance, Rajesh-Khanna type flick of the head) mujhe gurudwaare tak le gayi.” !!!!!!!
And later, after that gurudwaara stint, they sit across a couch as if discussing the weather and she gushes, “who choti-choti baatein..mere sar pe dupatta…” OMG, had the woman never draped a duptatta over her head that she is practically drowning in emotion?! Someone give her more believable lines!
And why did they spend precious airtime showing us how Rakhi and Manas sampled milkshake at Nirula’s? Are viewers really lapping up all this? This is all soooooo boring…I mean, why on earth would I want to spend an hour watching two people going on a humdrum date to eat ice-cream and walking along India Gate?!! Puhleeeezz!!
Surely there is better programming available on TV. I know there is. I watch some of the good stuff. Then, why, oh why, are viwers so suicidally attracted to this indigestible mess?
Reportedly, Rakhi... TRPs are skyrocketing.
Photo Credit: The pic is from here.
Ditto. We had never seen this show before and to find why it was the talk around most water coolers, my wife and I actually sat through one episode where the mums met up with Rakhi.
To say it was embarassing is putting it mildly, I am sure the dialogues are scripted by the same folk who write en masse for all the hindi tripe serials churned out.
One mum actually asked R Sawant if she would stay put at home and leep the kitchen fires burning. This was akin to putting a nympho with a gay bloke.
La Sawant also tried to make profound statements like "aakhir mein bharatiya naari hoon" type dialogues. This coming from a midriff revealing, plunging neckline, tatoo exposed female was less convincing.
I have always wondered why women in reality shows / beauty paegents in skimpy attire routinely talk about winning the show and working towards world peace and harmony.
Sorry if i sound like sexist narrow minded brute but I guess it keeps the TRP ratings going.
But the fact, this show has earned NDTV Imagine's best TRP thus far. :-) Viewers are digging for it. Now its completely the channel's choice - do they want to stick to this genre? If they dont want to, it is bound to hurt their credibility in the long run. But I don't think they take it that seriously, cos content (good/bad being subjective to audience) will remain the hero. viewership for revenue is all that matters to them, while the audience always has the choice. oh too many dynamics. blah
yes, yet another pov :-)
in the entire show, atleast it makes me laugh and it's so much better than the so-called comedy & laughter shows shown on TV.I dont find their jokes funny at all!!
The dialogues most probably are scripted but lets look at it this way - we are trying to revive the feel of old 1960's cinema today - a remixed version though. Lets not take all this seriously, she's doing a great job -in true Rakhi style and i seriously dont care if she marries any of these guys. Most probably she'll even reject the last one and then we can have
Swayamvar-2nd edition :-)
Have fun & chill !!
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