Of Histrionics -In Parliament & Gotham
It’s one thing to know that every trust vote in parliament inevitably involves some amount of horse trading. It’s quite another, and frankly quite disgusting, to watch national telecasts of stacks of notes spilling out of duffel bags on the floor of the house and irate MPs waving them about as proof of the scandalous (really? what's new?) bribery. The news networks didnt tire of relaying the scenes over and over again. When I caught the latest over breakfast Wednesday morning, Amar Singh was responding to allegations that he had brokered the whole deal. 'Are these guys political prostitutes, they are on sale?' he fumes on TV. He had such a straight face on. I almost threw up my cereal. In another report online , I caught this. "What is this plot?.. I have never met them (accusing MPs) in life. I am not such a fool that I will trade with an unknown person.” So would he have traded had they been known politicians?! Nothing else on TV really matches up to the histrioni...